Saturday, July 1, 2017

Week 1 Reflection

Initially, I wasn't too sure if I'd even like blogging, but I've come to really enjoy it!

This week I devoted my blogging to social media aspects of Web 2.0 and I learned a lot. For instance, I used to group Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. all in one caveat. BUT... after doing some research, I soon realized they have different functionalities related to one's online identity, ways one can communicate with friends/acquaintances/strangers, sharing information (e.g., thoughts, pics, videos, etc.), maintaining relationships, and forming communities. One of my commenters said they choose social media platforms based on what their friends are using and tend to use that one the most. With Facebook having 2 billion active users, it's no surprise that the Pew Research poll I used in a past blog post said it's the platform used most daily.

The last thing that I found interesting from this week was my Twitter poll. I wasn't expecting a lot of votes since I figured mostly only my classmates would vote, but I was surprised that while only 9 people voted, a total of 199 people had seen my poll while it was still active (Making it a 4.5% respondent rate). With that being said, I'd be curious to get y'all's thoughts on what entices you to engage in a poll. Is it the subject? An interesting topic? Is there an expected reward? Comment below!

P.S. I thought this was fitting for my week of social media platforms.

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