Friday, July 14, 2017

Reddit Review

For years, I’ve been skeptical to join Reddit – not really sure why I had a bias against it – but two weeks ago I joined in order to observe an online community.

Since my short stint of two weeks of membership, I’ve grown to love Reddit and the vast amount of topics one can learn and engage in.

So what exactly is Reddit? Reddit is basically a massive forum that’s divided into smaller forums called subreddits where people engage in discussion and share information.

Each month around 542 million visitor Reddit and there are currently 234 million users. Reddit has something for everyone! I can pretty much guarantee that you can find a community that would interest you. Some of my favorite subreddits are Photoshop Battles, Tip of My Tongue, Not the Onion, and Explain Like I’m Five.

·      It’s incredibly simple to use
·      Reddit is diverse
·      Reddit is free to use
·      Even if you choose to not join, non-members can view the information posted on the site
·      Community focused
·      User cliques can quickly bury articles they don't agree with
·      The information being shared isn’t always credible

What are some of your favorite subreddits?


  1. I also joined Reddit for the community project and have been pleasantly surprised. There is so much I did not know about Reddit. I am glad this course gave me the nudge I needed to check it out. I have no doubt I will continue to use it once the course is over. The subreddit that I am participating in for the project is r/matheducation. It's great!

  2. Welcome to Reddit! I joined over a year ago after having some initial concerns. I love that there is a subreddit for everything and all kinds of people. My favorite posts are those that expose some side of life or experience to which I'm not accustomed, for example, a thread asking what it's really like to work as a police officer. The anonymous nature of the site really helps people speak freely on topics you wouldn't normally on social media like Facebook. My favorite subreddits are AskReddit and WholesomeMemes.
