Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Welcome fellow Web 2.0ers to my blog!

I found this Dilbert comic strip and thought it was appropriate since I've never had a blog and felt the very same way when I started this blog post. 

However, I am excited to start blogging about all things Web 2.0 and sharing with you what I learn! 

I created a twitter account separate from my personal one to connect with everyone, share more of my findings, and see what everyone else is sharing. My Twitter handle is @KelliWeb2point0. Feel free to follow me and tweet at me! I started following a few of my classmates, my professor, and TA by simply searching the hashtag eme6414. I also started following people in the field of educational technology that I discovered when I took data analytics when I researched which users had the most influence in the field. If you'd like to know who they are... well you'll just have to find me on Twitter and see! 

I'm looking to the next six weeks to learn more about Web 2.0! 

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